Commando Trad

“Tradition” is often at a crossroad of being preserved or being left behind in favour of something new. A group of dedicated trad music lovers in Montreal had no such doubts. They took the timeless tunes, songs and dances of their heritage and combined them with the...

Gaston Nolet

It would be an injustice to talk about Québécois culture without mentioning – maple syrup!  And the best place to discover everything there is to know about maple syrup is at a sugar shack or cabane à sucre.  You will also discover some very fine traditional music....

Jean François Berthiaume

Jean François Berthiaume is a larger-than-life character, full of colour and creativity. Musician and band member of  Reveillons! (Let’s Party!), Galant Tu Perds Ton Temps (something like Sweetheart, You’re Wasting You’re Time) and Les Fréres Berthiaume,  an artist, a...

Les Poules à Colin (Colin’s Chickens)

Everyone  has the choice of accepting or rejecting the environment they grew up in.Luckily for us, the 5 members of Les Poules à Colin, embraced the atmosphere around them. They are a sort-of second (or more) generation supergroup. Their music is a gorgeous blend of...